Kamis, 15 Juni 2017

Final Examination- "ASEAN Economic Comunity".

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First, let’s thanks to God who has been giving us such blessing so wecan aftend and gather in this place. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing in front of you all to deliver my speech under the title

We often get information from media about populer issue in our country known as ASEAN Economic Comunity.
I am sure that there are still many people who have poor under. Standing about this issue, that’s why I want to talk about this populer issue.
The term of ASEAN Economic Comunity is moment when All of the Asean countries including Indonesia must be involues in sosial, economic, and cultural cooperation.
What is meant by sosial cooperation is all ASEAN countries including Indonesia have the same interest to actualize welfare and prosperity, beside all ASEAN countries agree to actuality and security in south East Asia. What is meant by economic cooperation is all asean countries including Indonesia agree to create market for products from Asean countries, it is intended to, this program growth for fur Asean countries, in  addition, this program can stimulate business organizers for Asean contries so that they have opportunity to develop their business. What is meant by cultural cooperation is all Asean countries have the same interest to perpetuale culture and local wisdom as great asset to increase economic growth for all ASEAN countries.
Besides, all asean countries agree to tight againts drungs traffiking and the act of terrorism.
So, in this case, Indonesia must be involved on competition with other ASEAN countries in order to win the competition then Indonesia people need to :
First, We need to apply the principle of Gotong Royong as Indonesia culture. With gotong royong we can gain success together without doing harm to others, it teacher us to develop togetherness and solidarity
Second, we have to be able to comunicate with foreign languages especialy english.
Third, we must have competence to apply technology because it is important. And last we must have high spirit to  worlehard.

I think that’s all I could say,
I Hope this speech can be useful for you.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb 

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